Modeling Video Evolution For Action Recognition



本文展示了一种能够捕获视频时序信息的方法。该方法假定能时序性排序视频帧的函数(a function capable of ording the frames of a video)也能非常好的捕获视频中视觉上的演变(evolution of the appearance within the video)。因此本文的重点是,作者通过使用ranking machine学习这样的排序函数并且使用其对应的参数作为一个新的视频表征。并在通用动作识别数据集Hollywood2、HMDB51、细颗粒度的动作MPII-cooking activities和姿势数据集Chalearn中有7%-10%的提升。同时该方法是一种对视频视觉特征的编码,独立于特征提取方法,也就是说视觉特征提取方法越好,编码后对视频动作识别效果也能相应有提升。



  1. from temporal interest points over dense sampling to dense trajectories.
    1. [On space-time interest points]
    2. [Learning realistic human actions from movies]
    3. [Dense trajectories and motion boundary descriptors for action recognition]
  2. from gradient-based descriptors to motion-based and motion-compensated ones.
    1. [Better exploiting motion for better action recognition]
  3. adoption of powerful encoding schemes, Fisher Vectors.
    1. [Action recognition with improved trajectories]

提到从视觉上建模时序的演变信息比较困难,研究者们提出了很多方法建模时序信息:HMM,CRF,deep network.

Modeling the video-wide temporal evolution of appearance in videos remains a challenging task, due to the large variability and complexity of video data. Actions are performed at largely varying speeds. Also the speed of the action often varies non-linearly within a single video.


Nevertheless, it is clear that many actions have a characteristic temporal ordering. More precisely, given all the frames of the video, we learn how to arrange them in chronological order, based on the content of the frames.


Modeling Video-wide temporal evolution (VideoDarwin)

  1. Video \(X = [x_1, x_2, …, x_n]\) composed of \(n\) frames and frame at \(t\) is represented by vector \(x_t \in R^D\).
  2. Define a vector valued function \(V\). The output of the vector valued function \(v_t\) is obtained by processing all the frames up to time \(t\), \(x_{1:t}\). For example, the vector \(v_t\) can be obtained by applying the mean operation on all of the frames \(x_{1:t}\).
  3. Define \(\Psi(v; u) = u^T \cdot v\).
  4. Namely, the learning to rank problem optimizes the parameters \(u\) of the function \(\Psi(v; u)\), such that \(\forall t_i, t_j , v_{t_i} ≻ v_{t_j} \Leftrightarrow u^T ⋅v_{t_i} > u^T ⋅v_{t_j} \).


条件1,\(u^T \cdot (v_{t_i} − v_{t_j} ) \geq 1 − \epsilon_{ij}\),即是要满足排序条件大于一个单位量并且有一个松弛因子,如果松弛因子过大会惩罚优化函数。在作者的开源代码(VideoDarwin.m)中作者是通过SVR来解决排序问题(因为SVR比RankSVM要快,并且具有相似的结果),既给每一帧赋予一个label,比如第一帧的label是1,第二帧是2,依次类推…然后训练一个SVR回归模型求得权重向量u。其实最简单的就是用线性回归进行求解,在论文中也表示这样也是可行的(any other linear learning to rank method can be employed to learn VideoDarwin)。

Vector valued functions for VideoDarwin


  1. Independent Frame Representation. \(V(t) = \frac{x_t}{\left|x_t\right|}\).
  2. Moving Average (MA). \(\sum_{t}^{t+T} x_t\).
  3. Time Varying Mean Vectors. \(m_t = \frac{1}{t} \cdot \sum_{i=1}^{t} x_i, v_t = m_t / \left|m_t\right|\).




VideoDarwin选取的特征:HOG, HOF, MBH and TRJ. 在实验中作者还提到VideoDarwin几种变型:

  1. Forward VideoDarwin (FDVD),就是将帧按时间\([x_1,x_2,…,x_n]\)进行训练得到\(u_{fow}\).
  2. Reverse & Forward VideoDarwin (RFDVD),就是既按上面方式得到\(u_{fow}\),然后将帧逆序\([x_n,x_{n-1},…,x_1]\)进行训练得到\(u_{rev}\).
  3. non-linear forward VideoDarwin (NL-FDVD),就是对特征进行一个非线性映射然后再进行FDVD训练。
  4. nonlinear reverse & forward VideoDarwin (NL-RFDVD),就是对特征进行一个非线性映射然后再进行RFDVD训练。


选择的baseline对比方法是localTP, For these baselines, at frame level we apply non-linear feature maps (i.e. power normalization for Fisher vectors and chi-squared kernel maps for bag-of-words based methods):

local: As a first baseline we use the state-of-the-art trajectory features (i.e. improved trajectories and dense trajectories) and pipelines as [1,2]. As this trajectory based baseline mainly considers local temporal information we refer to this baseline as local.

TP: We also compare with temporal pyramids (TP), by first splitting the video into two equal size subvideos, then computing a representation for each of them like spatial pyramids [3].






[1] H. Wang, A. Kl¨aser, C. Schmid, and C.-L. Liu. Dense trajectories and motion boundary descriptors for action recognition. IJCV, 103:60–79, 2013. 1, 2, 5, 6, 8

[2] H. Wang and C. Schmid. Action recognition with improved trajectories. In ICCV, 2013. 1, 2, 5, 6, 8

[3] S. Lazebnik, C. Schmid, and J. Ponce. Beyond bags of features: Spatial pyramid matching for recognizing natural scene categories. In CVPR, 2006. 1, 5


Written on October 11, 2017